PEDAL Consulting, s.r.o. hosted the third plenary meeting of the ITHACA project on 19. – 20. June2024, in Bratislava.  This crucial networking opportunity served as a platform for knowledge sharing  on the project’s  progress, its achievements, and potential workflow challenges.

The meeting commenced with a welcome address by the project coordinator, Dr. Angelos Liapis, CEO of Konnektable Technologies. He set the stage for presenting the 18-month results and future plans.

Work package leaders then took the floor to share updates. Robert Miskuf, CEO of PEDAL Consulting, introduced the company and highlighted its achievements in managing various projects across different sectors and programmes.

Following the successful completion of the first two work packages—focusing on state-of-the-art and conceptualization (WP1) and Algorithmic risk assessment and human-centered design (WP2)—which also outlined the requirements of the end-users of the ITHACA platform, the discussion shifted to the technical aspects of the project. Topics covered included communication, dissemination, and the exploitation and sustainability of project information.

Key discussions mainly focused on:

  • WP3: ITHACA platform design and development
  • WP4: Pilot implementation & evaluation
  • WP5: Conformity assessment tools, policy recommendations, and guidelines
  • WP6: Dissemination, communication, and exploitation
  • WP7: Project management
  • WP8: Ethics requirements

The meeting delved into the technical requirements of the platform as well. Together with the design of the system architecture, it outlined upcoming activities and ensured the alignment with the project’s goals.

Stay tuned as we advance towards a more inclusive and ethical democratic environment, powered by artificial intelligence.

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